Examination in lieu of mercy chance for relaxation maximum time period GNM examination guidelines Notification no. 7 of 2022


Scholarship is an award of financial aid for a student to further their education. Scholarship is a boon for students, belonging to the weaker sections of the society, to meet a part of their expenditures while pursuing their Education. There are a variety of scholarships :

National Scholarship

National Scholarships Portal is one-stop solution through which various services starting from student application, application receipt, processing, sanction and disbursal of various scholarships to Students are enabled. This initiative aims at providing a Simplified, Mission-oriented, Accountable, Responsive & Transparent ‘SMART’ System for faster & effective disposal of Scholarships applications and delivery of funds directly into beneficiaries account without any leakages.

Eligibility Criteria

How to apply:

Students applying for scholarship need to “Register” on the portal(https://scholarships.gov.in/) as fresh applicant by providing accurate and correct information as per their documents. The student will also be required to upload bonafide student certificate from Institute, Bank Passbook  & Photo along with their application. Institute Nodal Officer(Principal) should verify the document using their College ID  detail. The Institute Nodal officer must verify the correctness of details in the application form and uploaded documents submitted by the student/applicant.

State Scholarship

An Integrated State Scholarship Portal(SSP) is developed by Center for e-Governance, GOK for sanctioning of Post –Matric Scholarship under various Schemes of Government of Karnataka.

Eligibility Criteria

How to apply:

Student should create SSP Account (www.ssp.postmatric.karnataka.gov.in) with their Aadhar detail & they should upload caste, Income certificate, Bonafide certificate, Fees receipt, marks card. E-Attestation Officer(Principal) should verify the document using their Aadhaar detail every day & e-Attest the documents electronically if they are genuine, else they have to reject with proper reasons. Student should note down the Document ID of the e-Attested document which should be entered while applying for Post-Matric Scholarship in SSP.


Online Post Matric Scholarships disbursements through E-Pass application is one of the important welfare measures of the Government of Karnataka which is aimed at the educational upliftment of Students, initiated by the Department of Backward Class Welfare.

Eligibility Criteria

How to apply:

Student applying for scholarship need to apply in the KarePass.cgg.gov portal. There are three choices in the homepage – Free Hostel Registration, Pratibha Puraskar Registration, and Fresh & Renewal Registrations for FC, PMS FAAS, and Nursing. They should fill  the personal details, including the annual income details, Aadhar number, SSLC details, etc. They should upload caste, Income certificate, 10th & II PUC marks card, Bank Passbook & Photo. After filling the application form, an application number is generated which is unique for all the applicants. In order to check the status of the form applied for the scholarship, the candidate can check using the application number on the KarePass portal.  The Principal must verify the correctness of details in the application form and uploaded documents submitted by the student/ applicant using their college ID detail.

University (Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences) Scholarship

This scholarship provides financial assistance to the poor & meritorious students to meet a part of their expenditures while pursuing under graduate course Health Sciences in the affiliated colleges of RGUHS. This scholarship is awarded on the basis of results of 10+2 examination along with certain specified criteria for under graduate students.

Eligibility Criteria

How to apply:

Student should create SSP Account (http://ssp.postmatric.karnataka.gov.in/) with their Aadhar detail & they should upload caste, Income certificate, Bonafide certificate, Fees receipt, marks card. E-Attestation Officer(Principal) should verify the document using their Aadhaar detail every day & e-Attest the documents electronically if they are genuine, else they have to reject with proper reasons. Student should note down the Document ID of the e-Attested document which should be entered while applying for Post-Matric Scholarship in SSP.

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