Examination in lieu of mercy chance for relaxation maximum time period GNM examination guidelines Notification no. 7 of 2022

Community Health Nursing

In this department, students are provided with nursing practice scenario that blends primary health care & principles of public health nursing practice. Home visits, survey of the field’s door to door delivery of health care etc. are intended to develop community health nursing skills to serve the people of both urban and rural areas. The department provides training to both under graduates and diploma nursing students under the supervision of faculty. The community welfare programmes conducted by the department is indeed beneficiary to the people as well as the students to gain insight in to public participation in health care.

Dr. Jenifer D’Souza
MSc(N), MPhil(N), PhD
Professor & HOD


The department also organises and conducts mass health education programmes for the general public during the community postings. Important days like World TB Day, World AIDS day etc are also observed.

Glimpse of Our Programmes

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