The Fundamentals of Nursing Department offers courses that equip the students with the required knowledge, attitude and skills needed to work in clinical areas and to develop as professional nurses with a strong commitment to service. The spirit of Nursing is sown in the young hearts by the Nursing Foundation department.
Students need to be well informed not only in knowledge and skills in basic and advanced nursing procedure but also in the upcoming scientific advances in different areas of clinical practices so as to enable them to face new challenges and opportunities in various health care settings. This will enable the student to attain competent skills in patient care. The department also gives effective training to the undergraduate students in laboratory under simulated conditions before they can perform in actual hospital settings. The faculty is convinced that nursing is the art, science and discipline of caring for people through the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health and wholeness across the life span.
Lab Facilities
The college has got well equipped Nursing Foundation lab which is spacious and well furnished with advanced mannequins which act as a simulator for practicing basic nursing procedures.
The fundamental lab equipped with 7 mannequins( 3 SIMULATORS AND 4 DUMMY) & one CPR mannequin, OT instruments, procedure demonstration trays, with articles, models and is utilized by students for the demonstration of all basic fundamentals of nursing and medical surgical nursing procedures. The department strives to develop basic and advance skills of students in various nursing care activities and develop culture of nursing among student nurses.
The department conducts individual and group health teaching to patients and their family members in the A.J.Hospital regularly.