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National Service Scheme


The National Service Scheme [NSS] is an Indian Government sponsored programme under the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Government of India. It was launched in Gandhiji’s centenary year 1969, to establish a meaningful linkage between the campus and the community. Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, had recognized that the country could not progress in a desired direction until the student youth were motivated to work for the upliftment of the villages/community.

It provides an ample opportunity in creating awareness among the students and teachers through sustained community interaction. It enhances the students to know about the dignity of labor, fellow belongingness, brotherhood, moral and democratic values so on…NSS is responsible for harvesting wealth of talents to meet the challenges of life which brings the change in the personality development of the students as well as community development.

NSS wing of Laxmi Memorial College of Nursing was started in the year 2006 on 6th of December with 50 volunteers with the aim of developing total personality among students through community services. Volunteers of our college involve actively in both regular and special camp activities.


The Motto of NSS

The motto or watchword of the National Service Scheme is: ‘NOT ME BUT YOU’. This reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless service and appreciation of the other person’s point of view and also to show consideration for fellow human beings. It underlines that the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of society on the whole.

NSS Symbol

The symbol of the National Service Scheme is based on the ‘Rath’ wheel of the Konark Sun Temple situated in Orissa. These giant wheels of the Sun Temple portray the cycle of creation, preservation and release, and signify the movement in life across time and space. The design of the symbol, a simplified form of the Sun-chariot wheel primarily depicts movement. The wheel signifies the progressive cycle of life. It stands for continuity as well as change and implies the continuous striving of NSS for social transformation and upliftment.

NSS Badge

The NSS symbol is embossed on the NSS badge. The NSS volunteers wear it while undertaking any programme of community service. The Konark wheel in the symbol has eight bars which represent the 24 hours of the day. Hence, the badge reminds the wearer to be in readiness for service of the nation round the clock i.e. for 24 hours. The red colour in the badge indicates that the NSS volunteers are full of blood i.e. lively, active, energetic and full of high spirit. The navy blue colour indicates the cosmos of which the NSS is a tiny part, ready to contribute its share for the welfare of the mankind.


NSS was formally launched on 24th September, 1969, the birth centenary year of the Father of the Nation. Therefore, 24 September is celebrated every year as NSS Day with appropriate programmes and activities.

NSS Song

During Silver Jubilee Year the NSS theme song has been composed. All NSS volunteers are expected to learn the theme song and sing the song during NSSprogrammes and celebrations.

Activities of NSS

NSS activities have been divided in two major groups. These are regular NSS activities and special camping programme

1. Regular NSS Activity

Under this, students undertake various programmes in the adopted villages, college/school campuses and urban slums during weekends or after college hours.

2. Special Camping Programme

Under this, camps of 10 days duration are organised in adopted villages or urban slums during vacations with some specific projects by involving local communities.

NSS Talks


Elderly Program

Flag Hoisting

Camp Inauguration

Nutrition Programme

Prayer Song


The  NSS unit of Laxmi Memorial College of Nursing observed Anti-Tobacco Day on 31st May 2019. The program began with the welcome address by the NSS program officer , Dr. Jenifer Dsouza. Following this, a talk on tobacco and its illeffects on health was given by Dr. Apoorva, Asst. Professor in the department of Public health dentistry, AJ Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore. After the session , the anti-tobacco pledge was administered to the gathering by the NSS program Officer, Dr. Jenifer D’Souza.  The participants consisted of all the boy students of Laxmi Memorial college of nursing , II nd year Bsc,  Ist Year GNM students and faculty of the college . The vote of thanks was delivered by Ms. Chinthaja, Assistant Lecturer, Dept of Community Health Nursing.


Health Check Up

International Yoga Day

The international day of yoga was organized by the NSS unit of Laxmi Memorial College of Nursing, Mangaluru on 21st June 2019.  The Chief guest and resource person for the day was Yoga guru, Mr. Rajesh Naik , Yoga consultant and therapist, Aadi Yoga Charitable trust, Mangaluru. The program began with the welcome address by Mrs. Soumya, Lecturer, followed by the traditional lamp lighting ceremony. Dr. Jenifer D’Souza , NSS program officer, unveiled the theme of the International Day of Yoga 2019- “Climate Action”, and spoke regarding how  yoga  affects and brings about environmental benefits. Mrs. Ashritha Shetty, Director, LMET presided over the inaugural programme and the Principal Dr. Larissa Martha Sams , faculty and students of LMCN were also present.

The formal inaugural program was followed by the yoga session. Mr. Rajesh Naik conducted sessions as per the international yoga day protocol. The session began with warm up exercises which were followed by several asanas. After each asana , Mr. Rajesh briefed the participants about the benefits of the asana.   A total of around 300 students and 25 faculty participated in the yoga session, which is a natural way to keep the body and mind healthy.

The entire program was held at AJIMS auditorium and the media partners for the day was New Indian Express .

World AIDS Day 2016

NSS wing of our college observed World AIDS Day 2016 in association with community health nursing department and participated in a ‘Jatha’ where the students of the RED RIBBON club took active part, to mark the day in Mangalore. On the 9th of December 2016, a quiz competition was conducted on AIDS for the students of LMCN. Seven group participated in the Quiz. The winners were awarded with a trophy and cash prizes. A talk on AIDS was also arranged and The District AIDS Control Officer, Dr. Badurudeen M.N. was the resource person for the same.

The Jatha was carried out from A J hospital, Kuntikana to KSRTC Bus stop: Covering nearly 10 KM. It was inaugurated and flagged off by Dr. Sanjeev Rai, Chief of Medical Services, Father Muller Hospital. Prashanth Shetty, vice-president, LMET was the guest of honour. The theme for World AIDS Day 2011 is “Getting to Zero.” The chief guest Dr Sanjeev elaborated on the theme.

Jatha was concluded at KSRTC stand where the students performed a street play to create awareness about AIDS. Good number of crowd gathered to witness the play. The significance of the day was briefed by professor Jennifer D’Souza, HOD, community health nursing department, Laxmi Memorial College of Nursing. Sidda Gowda, sub-inspector of Kadri police station and Mr.Ssivakumara.J,NSS Officer was present during the jatha.

During the Jatha NSS volunteers were actively participated with public announcement regarding prevention of AIDS. Dress code of all 700 students and 60 faculty of college of nursing was white T-shirt having red ribbon symbol and red cap. After the programme refreshment was served to all who have participated.

NSS Special Camping Programme

08.02.2016 To 13.02.2016

NSS special camp was conducted from 8-2-16 to 13-2-16 at Siddharthanagar colony at Bajpe. This colony consists of around 120 families who belomg to the schedule caste/tribe. This area is also known as a rehabilitation area as these families had lost their land and homes when the New bajpe airport was constructed.

Fifty NSS volunteers along with the NSS officer, Dr. Jenifer D’Souza and two faculty members organised and actively participated in all the activities of the camp.The NSS camp was inaugurated by the flag hoisting at 10.30 am on 8/2/16. The fag hoisting was done by Mr. Devadas, a local leader and the president of Karnataka Dalit Sangha, Karnataka. Mr. Chandrashekar Gowda, the Programme officer of NSS unit of Alva’s Degree College was the Chief Guest. In his addresss, he motivated the NSS volunteer to be service-minded and give their best during the camp. In the afternoon from 2pm to 5pm, a survey of the area was carried out.

On 9/2/16 after the morning prayer and flag hoisting the volunteers set out to conduct the nutritional demonstation programme to the local women. Raggi laddu, nutrition rich dosa and methi bhaji were the items included for the demonstation. The local women appreciated the efforts of the volunteers and renedered all necesssary support and coperation. In the afternoon from 2.30pm to 4.30 pm a school hygiene programme was conducted for the children of Siddharthanagar primary school. Around 160 childern aparticipated in the programme. An education on the importance of hygiene was given with the help of videos and lectures. Games like bombing the city and musical chairs were conducted with the emphasis on hygiene ( eg. instead of city names, areas like not brushing teeth, not taking bath, not cutting nails and not wearing chappels were included). A quiz on hygiene was also conducted and the winners were awarded. In the evening from 6.30pm to 8.30 pm a cultural progrmme was organised to entertain the local people.
On 10/02/16, sharmadhana was done from 8.30am to 12.30pm. The local hindu burial ground and the road leading to it was cleaned. In the afternoon from 2.30 to around 6pm, a session on , ‘Mind power development and hypnosis was organised for the volunteers. The resource person was Prof. Sarfaraz, Director Sadhana Academy, Mangalore. The sessions were lively and the nss volunteers were enlightened.

On 11/02/16, from 9am to around 1pm , a medical and dental camp was organised for the local people. A total of 31 Doctors , medical PG, medical interns, Dentists and Hospital administration students, and social workers from AJIMS assisted in the camp. The local people were benefited. Prescribed medicines were Brought from AJ pharmacy and distributed to the people.

On 12/02/16, sharmadhana was done form 8.30am to 12.30 pm. The School ground, ground around the hall and road surrounding it were cleaned. In the afternoon a progrmme for the elderly was organised from 2.30pm to 4,30-pm. The elderly were demstrated some common herbal remedies for common elderly health problems. A laughter therapy session was conducted in which the elderly actively participated. Following this some memory games were conducted for the elderly The most active elderly man and woman were awarded. Around 20 elderly from the area participated in the programme. In the evening from 6.30pm to 8.30pm , a cultural programme was conducted where the local people also exhibited their talents in singing and dancing.

On 13/02/16, after the flag hoisting, the NSS volunteers were divided into different committes like stage committee, reception committee, refreshment commitee etc, to prepare for the valedictory programme. The valedictoy programme began at around 10.30am. The chief guest for the valedictory programme was Dr. Vasanth Kumar, Deputy register and NSS programme coordinator , RGUHS. The other guest were, Mr. Devadas, President of Karnataka Dalit Sangha and Dr. Larissa Martha Sams, Principal LMCN. A brief report of the NSS activities of the week was shown through a powewrpoint presentation. Dr. Vasanth Kumar congratulated the NSS volunteers for their work in the camp. The NSS programme officer and volunteers thanked the local leaders and people. The week long NSS special camp finally came to an end at around 2.30pm.

NSS Special Camping Programme

06.02.2012 To 12.02.2012

Hailing from the service oriented health industry, Laxmi Memorial College of Nursing organized a “NSS Special Camp” like every year from its NSS WING, from 06.02.2012 to 12.02.2012at Anudhanitha Pulghuni Higher primary school, Mallur, Mangalore.

The inaugural programme of the “NSS Special Camp” was held on 06th February 2012 at 9 a.m. at Anudhanitha Pulghuni Higher primary school, Mallur, Mangalore. The programme was started with prayer song by the volunteers, Mr.Preetham, NSS leader, welcomed the gathering. The programme was inaugurated by hoisting NSS flag and with respect of NSS; our NSS volunteers sang the NSS anthem. , Mr. Narayana Poojari, Head master of Anudhanitha Pulghuni Higher primary school, Mallur, Mangalore addressed the gathering and promised his support throughout the camp and graced the occasion as the Chief Guest as well as the he spoke on the significance of NSS in students life and how yourself y can involve in NSS activity. Dr.[Prof]. Larissa Martha Sams, Principal, LMCN presided over the programme and spoke on importance of NSS activities at community and school of that area, therefore planned activities of NSS camp was reported keeping in view that today’s children are tomarrows citizen.

Mr. Arun, NSS member concluded the programme with vote of thanks; others faculties like Jennifer, Pramila, Saritha, subhash, anakletta and others were present, during the inauguration, Followed by inauguration general health check-up camp was organized for school students by the volunteers. During camp school students were examined for head to foot examination, includes height, weight, anthropometry measurements, mid arm circumference, dental observation with routine test .Nearly 200 school children were benefitted with this service.

On 07-2-2012, Second day of camp was planned to conduct Eye screening test by our NSS volunteers for the school children on. Initially, volunteers had interaction with school teachers and observation of children makes clear understanding that many children are having eye problems. So our NSS volunteers planned screening examination for them and different sections and different counters were prepared by volunteers such as registration counter, Snellen chart, general history collection etc .Snellens’ chart was prepared and made stick on the wall of the school at the eye level of students. School children were examined with the help of chart and asking them to read letters from the chart. Nearly 3 meter distance was maintained to detect the eye problems. Total of 39 students are having eye problems like shortsighted vision and other vision problems. Those students were referred to our A.J hospital and advice was given to parents and school teachers.

On 8-02-2012, NSS wing, conducted a health education programme on eye care and eye exercise for school children by NSS volunteers on at Pulghuni higher primary school at Mallur area, Mangalore. This health education programme on eye care and eye exercise for school children through role play, demonstration of eye exercises was by Ms. Benedicta. During health education programme video was displayed on the topic and school students were actively participated in the programme. About 120 students were benefitted with this programme.
On 09-02- 2012, fourth day of NSS special camp, conducted a mass health education programme on personal hygiene for the school children at Mallur area

The programme was started with prayer song by the NSS volunteers. Mr. Shivakumar welcomed the gatherings. The programme inauguration was done by lighting the lamp as a symbol of wisdom. Mr.Arun, NSS member was the Guest of honour and Mr. Narayana poojari, head master of school was the chief guest for the day and he gave talk on importance of hygiene for the children as well as role of hygiene in maintaining sound health of the children. Mr. Subhash, Ms. Pramila, was present during the programme.Then our NSS volunteers gave health education on personal hygiene through a role play with the help of charts, L.C.D, display of videos, action songs and models. Programme was concluded with vote of thanks followed by refreshments were served.

On 10-2- 2012, fifth day, event of NSS special camp was planned nutritional programme for school children at Mallur area. This nutrition programme was conducted with the aim of creating awareness regarding balanced diet for children which is essential for the optional growth of children.NSS volunteers prepared green gram with rice flakes which is rich in carbohydrates, Protein, Iron, Vitamin A and calcium .This is very good for children because it has high nutritive value which improves the growth of children. Before serving the prepared green gram with rice flakes, students were given education regarding the importance of prepared item and how it is helping in growth and development of children.

On11-2-2012, sixth day of NSS special camping programme, conducted shramadana and cleaning of school surroundings on at Pulghuni School, Mallur, Mangalore.Our NSS volunteers started work of cleaning school area at 9 a.m. and finished at 12.30 p.m. in the noon. Volunteers were cleaned the whole building of the school, around the school and then stuffs were burnt.With regard to cleaning and preparing grounds for school children, school authority co-operated with our NSS volunteers.The aim of this programme was to maintain neat and tidy as well as good atmosphere to have a good health among children.

On12-2-2012, the last day of special camp started brightly with bright students and cheerful NSS members. As usual valedictory function was started with prayer song by NSS volunteers. Mr. Shivakumar, NSS Programme Officer welcomed the gathering and spoke about the days spent, Mrs. Larissa Martha Sams, Principal of LMCN was the Chief Guest and Mr. Narayana poojari, Head master of school were the Guest of honour for the same respectively.Then report reading of NSS camp indicating the various programmes and activities done by the NSS volunteers during special camping programme and Finally it was ended with colorful cultural programme followed by vote of thanks with refreshments.

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